User Guide & Help

Alexa Skill Connection Troubleshooting

Are you having trouble connecting to the SimplySmart Home Skill after previously using the ClicSmart Alexa Skill? Follow the steps below to disable the ClicSmart Alexa Skill and set up the SimplySmart Home Skill.

  1. Open your Alexa app on your device.
  2. Navigate to the Skills & Games section.
  3. Search for and select the ClicSmart Alexa Skill.
  4. Click on the ClicSmart Alexa Skill to view its details.
  5. On the Skill details page, click the ‘Disable Skill’ button.
  6. Once the ClicSmart Alexa Skill is disabled, go back to the Skills & Games section.
  7. Search for SimplySmart Home Skill.
  8. Click on the SimplySmart Home Skill and then click Enable to Use.

After successfully following these steps, your device should be connected to the SimplySmart Home Skill. If you’re still facing connectivity issues or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team.

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