User Guide & Help
ClicSmart Smart Plug Installation
Please follow the steps below to install your ClicSmart Wi-Fi Smart Plug.
- Plug your ClicSmart Wi-Fi Smart Plug into the 120 Volt power outlet that you want to control.
- Download the free companion App, CLICSMART from the Google Play or Apple Store.
- Pair your ClicSmart Wi-Fi Smart Plug with the companion App.
- Be sure that you are in close proximity (5-10ft) of your ClicSmart Wi-Fi Smart Plug during this initial process.
- Launch the App, and press (+) to Add a Device.
- Select “Smart Outlet”
- Press the power button on the left side of ClicSmart Wi-Fi Smart Plug to introduce the connection.
- If you are prompted for a Firmware update, please download the update.
- Stay close to your phone to make sure the screen does not go to sleep!
- You will be prompted to insert your Wi-Fi information. Please key in your secure Wi-Fi SSID and password correctly. This step will enable you to control your ClicSmart Wi-Fi Smart Plug while you are away from home, anytime, anywhere!
- Follow the onscreen prompts to select ClicSmart location, and then continue to name your device.
- All done! Your ClicSmart is now ready to be controlled via smartphone.
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