User Guide & Help

How to Update Firmware on Your ClicSmart Device

In the world of smart home automation, technology advances every day. To ensure your ClicSmart unit keeps up with this rapid evolution and improve the user experience, we provide regular over-the-air firmware updates to our devices. Here’s a step-by-step guide to verify or perform an update:

For already-paired devices:

  1. Close all running background apps on your device. Turn Wi-Fi OFF.
  2. Plug your phone (if battery is below 60%) into a power source.
  3. Launch the ClicSmart Home App. You should be prompted to update firmware immediately. If not, access settings by pressing the gear icon in the top left corner, select the icon associated with ClicSmart, and scroll down to Device Info. Available updates will be provided here.

For new, never been paired devices:

  1. Launch the ClicSmart Home App and tap the (+) to add a new device. Select the appropriate ClicSmart product you have (Light Switch Controller, Wi-Fi Smart Plug, etc.)
  2. Follow the pairing steps, pressing the center of ClicSmart to establish a connection with your smartphone.
  3. When prompted, follow the on-screen steps to update firmware.

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