User Guide & Help
Motion Sensor Setup on ClicSmart Controller
Setting up the motion sensor feature on your ClicSmart is a straightforward process:
- Launch the ClicSmart App.
- Tap the gear icon next to your device to open settings
- Select the icon associated with your ClicSmart Controller.
- Activate the motion sensor by swiping the motion sensor bar to the right; its color will change from white to blue.
- Under “DURATION,” set the desired length for the light to stay ON after motion detection, ranging from 1 to 60 minutes.
- For round-the-clock motion sensor enablement, tap the “ALL DAY” box. Its color will turn from grey to blue.
- If you prefer the motion sensors to function only during specific times, set your time preferences under “ACTIVE FROM” and “ACTIVE TO,” then choose “DONE.”
- Finally, press “SAVE” in the top right corner.
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