User Guide & Help

Pairing Issues: Could Not Find ClicSmart

The ClicSmart App will “search” for 10-15 seconds to find your ClicSmart Controller, then change screens and continue to look for an additional 7-10 seconds.

  1. If you have multiple ClicSmarts, please remove the batteries from all devices except the one you’re attempting to pair with.
  2. Turn Wi-Fi OFF.
  3. Turn Bluetooth OFF, then turn Bluetooth back ON.
  4. Remove the (2) AA batteries from the ClicSmart you’re pairing and leave them out.
  5. Close the ClicSmart App and close all active Apps running in your phone’s background. If you don’t know how to perform this step, please provide your phone model and I will provide instructions for you!
  6. Insert (2) AA batteries into the back of your ClicSmart, launch ClicSmart App, and attempt to pair again.
  7. If notified “Pairing Failed”, please select ‘Connect to Nearest’ or ‘Retry’, and try again.
  8. As prompted, press the center button of your ClicSmart as it sits on the wall.
  9. Choose where the ClicSmart will be located, and then name your ClicSmart.

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