Shipping, Returns & Exchanges
You can expect your order to ship within 1-2 business days of your order. Orders placed before 11am PST / 2pm EST typically ship the same day. Orders placed after this time will ship the next business day. The day of shipment and weekends are not counted in transit time. Expedited options are guaranteed to arrive on time. In the event they are late please contact us and we will refund your shipping fees.
Once shipped, the transit time varies dependent upon what shipping you select at checkout.
Yes! If you purchased an incorrect model, we will happily exchange it for you at no extra charge. You must have proof of your purchase from any of our privately owned websites and be within the 90 day exchange period. If you have purchased from a retailer, please exchange based on the policies of the retailer where you purchased from.
Yes! For any reason, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you have 90 days to return. You must have proof of your purchase from any of our privately owned websites and be within the 90 day return period. If you have purchased from a retailer, please return based on the policies of the retailer where you purchased from. Purchases from retailers are not accepted for a refund.
However, if your frame is defective, please contact us to see if a replacement is covered by our one-year manufacturer warranty.
If you purchased from a retailer it is up to them whether or not to allow exchanges or returns and unfortunately we cannot help unless it is an issue covered by our Warranty